Swansea Canoe Polo Club



Mae gan bawb yr hawl i gymryd rhan yn ein chwaraeon mewn amgylchedd diogel a chefnogol, ac rydym yn cymryd ein dyletswydd gofal o ddifrif.

Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau ynglŷn â diogelu, cysylltwch â Swyddog Diogelu’r clwb – John Gravelle. Gellir cysylltu â John trwy e-bostio safeguarding@swanseacanoepolo.club neu gallwch ffonio 07913 005992.

We are affiliated with and supported by Canoe Wales who work closely with British Canoeing and the NSPCC’s Child Protection in Sport Unit. Kerry Skidmore is the Lead Safeguarding & Equality Officer at Canoe Wales and can be contacted by emailing safeguarding@canoewales.com. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am ddiogelu a Chanŵ Cymru ar gael ar wefan Canŵ Cymru.

Safeguarding Information

Our Safeguarding Policy

Swansea Canoe Polo Club is fully committed to safeguarding the well-being of its members. All members should show respect and understanding for the rights, safety and welfare of others, and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the Club.

We believe that taking part in Paddlesport should be positive and enjoyable to all and to achieve this we have the following aims:

  • Club coaches and volunteers should follow the British Canoeing Code(s) of Conduct.
  • All Club coaches, helpers and officials working with young people and adults should read and adhere to the British Canoeing Safeguarding Children Policy and Canoe Wales Safeguarding Adults Policy. The Club will follow the guidance of the policy in the event of any concerns or allegations.
  • The Club will ensure that anyone who meets the eligibility criteria for a Disclosure check will not be deployed until a satisfactory check has been returned.
  • All Club members are made aware of the Club Codes of Conduct.
  • The Club will obtain written parental consent for under 18 year olds to participate in the club. This will include medical details and ICE details of young paddlers which will be made known to coaches, where deemed appropriate and/or necessary.
  • Any paddler who coaches for the Club should be a member of Canoe Wales. The club will encourage and support helpers to gain qualifications and assist coaches to stay updated.
  • The Club will identify a person, John Gravelle, whose role it is to deal with any issues concerning Safeguarding and notify this person to all members. Anyone with concerns with respect to the welfare of a club member or participant should contact that person. If that person is unavailable, they can contact the Canoe Wales Safeguarding Officer (childprotection@canoewales.com).
  • The Club will adopt and regularly review a Health and Safety Policy.
  • The Club will review this Policy annually.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

We respect the rights and dignity of all our paddlers and acknowledge that everyone who is involved in our organisation has mental health and wellbeing needs. As part of our commitment to ensuring we take mental health and wellbeing into consideration in all aspects of paddling, we are working towards making sure that:

  • We recognise the benefits that paddling and volunteering have on positive mental health and wellbeing.
  • We are a welcoming, inclusive club that treats everyone from all races, faiths, genders and any other demographic markers, as an individual with their own needs.
  • We respect that everyone needs to take care of their mental health and wellbeing, and that some of us may need more support than others.
  • We challenge and address instances of poor negative, aggressive, racist, homophobic, transphobic or sexist bulling behaviour amongst young people.
  • We are here to listen. There are volunteers who are happy to help discuss how we can be more inclusive and support individual mental health needs.
  • We talk to our paddlers to find out if they’re happy with the level of support they receive from us, and whether it could be improved in any other way.
  • Volunteers know how to raise concerns to protect young people who are experiencing mental health crisis as part of our safeguarding reporting procedures.

Codes of Conduct

Young Paddlers

As a young paddler taking part in a Swansea Canoe Polo Club activity, you should:

Feel Safe

  • Help create and maintain an environment free of fear and harassment.
  • Look out for yourself and for the welfare of others.
  • Respect other people and their differences.
  • Treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself.

Show Respect

  • Respect the advice that you receive from coaches and instructors.
  • Observe instructions or restrictions requested by the adults looking after you.
  • Tell someone in authority if you are leaving the venue.

Speak Out

  • Speak out (to your parents or a club representative) if you consider that you or others have been poorly treated.

Play Fair

  • Demonstrate fair play and apply British Canoeing’s standards both on and off the water.

Be responsible

  • Be organised and on time, or inform your coach if you are going to be late.
  • Bring the right kit and plenty of water for breaks.
  • Take care of all property belonging to the club or any club member – and be responsible for caring for your own equipment and clothing.

You should not take part in any irresponsible, abusive, inappropriate or illegal behaviour which includes:

  • Using offensive language.
  • Bullying others.
  • Publicly using critical or disrespectful descriptions of others either in person or through text, email or social network sites.
  • Smoke or consume alcohol / drugs of any kind whilst at club events.


It is the policy of Swansea Canoe Polo Club that all paddlers, volunteers, coaches and parents show respect and understanding for each other and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the Club. The aim is for all paddlers to improve performance and have fun.

Everyone involved in the Club should abide by the Club Rules and Policies.


  • Take care of all property belonging to the club or club members.
  • Treat other club members with respect at all times – on and off the water – treat paddlers as you would want to be treated yourself.
  • Control tempers and avoid behaviour which may affect or upset others.
  • Co-operate and listen to your coach or club officials.

Club Officials, Coaches and Volunteers

  • Consider the wellbeing and safety of paddlers before the development of performance.
  • Develop an appropriate working relationship with performers, based on mutual trust and respect.
  • Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part.
  • Display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance.
  • Follow British Canoeing and club guidelines and policies.
  • Hold the appropriate, up-dated qualifications and insurance.
  • Encourage paddlers to value their performance and not just results.
  • Never condone the use of prohibited substances.

Parents / Guardians

  • Help your child recognise good performance, not just results.
  • Never force your child to take part in sport.
  • Never punish or belittle a child for losing or making mistakes.
  • Publicly accept the official’s judgements.
  • Support your child’s involvement and help them enjoy the sport.
  • Use correct and proper language at all times.
  • Set a good example by applauding the good performance of paddlers.